Other than that, 2 main trips ^___^ First, Nagoya! Bit of a spur of the moment decision to go see James basically, as well as seeing some more of Japan, so all fun. Nagoya was pretty cool really but not amazing just for tourism stuff I guess. If I hadn't had James & Simon to meet up with I think I'd have got a bit stuck for stuff to do. Nice city in general though, had some fun exploring :) Went to the public aquarium down by the harbour which was cool, despite falling over a bench & hurting my knee right before going in, much to the amusement of small Japanese child XD
Anyway. I also went out for foods with James & his friends, had yakiniku etc, fairly simple Japanese stuff. One restaurant actually had raw whale but I decided not to try it... I'm not really big on seafood anyway, let alone raw stuff. Also took a trip to Nagoya Castle, which wasn't that exciting but the view of the city was pretty cool. Plus the blossoms had just come out so very pretty everywhere, good times :) Wandered into a Noh theatre exhibition, went to an arcade, had curry with Matt & Simon, so lots of stuff to be doing really :)
Final day of the holiday I actually made a day trip to Osaka, which was really good, because I went back to the school I did homestays with whilst at school which was fairly nostalgic, especially walking out of Korien station as though I was going off to lessons.
Trip two. Finally, I went to Tokyo! I hadn't really intended on going to be honest & it's never really interested me in terms of somewhere I would like to visit, but my parents were due to be coming out to visit and of course, Tokyo tends to be the main tourist destination, so I ended up going down too. Unfortunately, my mum's been ill recently and was actually told by doctor's that she wouldn't be able to fly so that really sucked, but my step-dad came out anyway and I met up with him in Tokyo for a few days.
So basically, I packed in a lot of sightseeing into the past few weeks which was pretty cool as I won't have too much time now we're back to class! Hope everyone's good, will try & update this more often & closer to the actual events perhaps, but it's nearly up to date now yay! The trees are turning from pink to green, it's still a bit rainy, but overall, should be a good second semester, so here goes... :D Kou x
1 comment:
You really do have fun times, wish I had been there too. Mum xxx
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