Well, yes, I did give up on staying in Japan for the whole year and made a 2 week trip home which was really awesome, was great to see my friends and family as I'd really missed lots of people! Like Timm :P
Flight back was pretty cool as was all daytime so got some amazing views of Siberia! First few days back I was pretty tired but at that time and in the final weekend too I was able to see some family like my parents, grandparents, aunts, sisters, godparents, cousins and second cousins... So was pretty nice really! And especially nice to be home and to see my mum of course! Only thing weird to start was the food, everything seemed to be incredibly sweet in comparison to Japan XD Ah well... Anyway, after a few days home I went to Sheffield! Yay!
Arrive Sheffield Sunday afternoon. Walk into house, hug Timm, spill his tea over him XD Luckily it wasn't hot... Thus commenced AWESOME week and half of seeing Timm, Elmo, Scott & Tizzy, working TSC and catching up with friends :D:D:D
Overall lots of things were done I guess, such as visiting the museum with Matt, dinner at Wokmania with Dave, 2 trips to Nandos with lots of different friends, trip to the Dev Cat, going to town with Arkady & Wil, seeing Sammo, falling asleep on Elmo, hugging Timm, visiting peoples at NoDDSoc, meeting new housemates, getting my house for next year and also seeing my Japanese teachers! I think I spoke ok but I was still somehow nervous talking to them in comparison to people here. Explaining Ohi pottery was kinda difficult but hey, otherwise I felt I had improved so that was good!
Then there was TSC... Meetings great fun as always, particularly the first week when we were playing with a laptop & projector that had been left to make a PowerPoint and accidentally got logged out leaving a giant screen of "Shut the fuck up Arkady!!!" for the next person to sign in... Which happened to be the University AV people... So we ran out pretty quickly when they came in :P
I ended up doing 4.5 events in total, not so terrible really :P In for Population was fine, I made a new friend by the name of Ed yay! And later on more friends, like Tom for example - yay for nice new juniors! Tuesday both weeks was pretty good, in fact the second week we finished really early so I went home during the event & saw some Cool As Folk at the Fox & Duck where Timm was working and had a nice time talking to Elmo yay! Space was fine as per normal, but I think the best one was the Headphone Disco as the set up was easy & it was hilarious watching people dancing to no music & singing really loudly to themselves! Hehe...
So of course the major highlight was seeing my friends & being with Timm, but there was another thing that was particularly cool... Laser training! After a 2 day course with stuff like health & safety, basic laser info & demonstrations I was able to programme & run my own laser show and I'll be able to do it for events next year so I'm really looking forward to that :D Apparently I need to be quicker with changes but I was told that it was obvious I had experience with lighting as I knew what effects and timings I wanted to use... I didn't bother to say that actually I normally do DJ sound & AV XD
All in all therefore was a great holiday yay! Even the return was not so bad, I actually made a new friend at the airport in fact, as I had to stay there overnight and there was an American guy to talk to who'd missed his flight! Only got to wait until August till I see everyone again now, so not so bad really :P Kou.
1 comment:
A great read, and enjoy the photo's as well. You always pack a lot into where ever you are, and what you are doing.
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