Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Almost A Month In Japan!

Sorry I haven't updated this in ages, have been pretty busy! Ah well. Still haven't found too much Japanese food to eat other than yakiniku but hey it's not so bad to eat Western food some of the time! At any rate, I've discovered at least that I really don't like gyoza, nikuman or sanma & I'm going with the basis of "at least I tried it" for now :P

Food aside, it's quite interesting being here, classes are quite good & my kanji is improving which is great! I've also had a few lessons of karate & jodo now which is great, already getting more flexible! Haven't exactly done regular exercise for the past couple of years other than walking everywhere in Sheffield & whatnot so it's all good!
Have also been out a couple of times at the weekend which has been fun. A couple of weeks ago I went to the beach with some friends. It was quite far away so we had to get a bus to the station & then a train from there! But it was a nice day out & sunny which was great! Then the weekend just gone there was a bus trip to Kamikouchi which is a mountainous highland in Nagano prefecture, and we walked round there for a few hours. It was really pretty but very cold! We also stopped off in Takayama in Gifu prefecture for some dinner though my friends went to a soba restaurant so I didn't really eat much!

So yeah, all's still good though of course I miss talking to people & the time difference makes it pretty difficult! But I have lots of studying to keep me occupied, for example about 10 sides of kanji homework to hand in by Friday! Though Friday evening should be fun as I think we're going to taiko then after that to karaoke for Hallowe'en :)
Hope everyone's ok & hopefully hear from you soon! Charlotte x~x


Anonymous said...

Good to hear all your news, sounds like you are enjoying yourself. Keep on inserting those pics.

Koumori said...

So... Who posted the first comment? :P